Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Smoking Marijuana = Supporting Drug Cartels

As the drug war rages in Mexico, some antidrug advocates are using the occasion to jump-start a movement against marijuana.

From the Wall Street Journal - Every April 20, marijuana smokers around the country light up for an unofficial holiday celebrating pot that stems from the smoker slang "420." This year, as the drug war rages in Mexico, the festivities fall against an increasingly violent backdrop. Some antidrug advocates are using the occasion to jump-start a movement against marijuana not just for health and legal reasons, but on moral grounds. American pot smokers, they say, are unwittingly supporting drug cartels in Mexico.

Aaron Byzak, president of the North Coastal Prevention Coalition, an antidrug group in north San Diego County, says he'll focus on the Mexican drug war when he addresses 1,000 seventh- to 10th-graders at the group's annual antidrug festival, also held on April 20, at an amusement park in Vista, Calif. Mr. Byzak will urge the kids to think of Mexico's drug lords if they're offered a puff.

To read the complete story in the Wall Street Journal click here.

What do the numbers say about marijuana use by young people? Click here to find out from the latest Monitoring the Future survey.